Am primit un mail interesant zilele trecute, cu un excel pentru calcularea varstei si mi s-a parut ca are un sambure de adevar daca nu mai multi. Am introdus data nasterii si a iesit asta:
Age in years 27,96
Age in months 335
Age in days 10205
Age in hours 244911
Age in minutes 14694636
Age in seconds 881678169
Age in Milli seconds 88167816890
Age in weeks 71432
You born on Saturday
* Abstract thoughts
* Loves reality and abstract
* Intelligent and clever
* Changing personality
* Temperamental
* Quiet, shy and humble
* Low self esteem
* Honest and loyal
* Determined to reach goals
* Loves freedom
* Rebellious when restricted
* Loves aggressiveness
* Too sensitive and easily hurt
* Showing anger easily
* Dislike unnecessary things
* Loves making friends but rarely shows it
* Daring and stubborn
* Ambitious
* Realizing dreams and hopes
* Sharp
* Loves entertainment and leisure
* Romantic on the inside not outside
In cheia sol
Acum 4 ani
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